
Debit cards continue to grow in popularity as a payment type – in fact, nearly half of all card transactions today are made with debit cards. With direct connections to all of the major debit networks, Solaris Financial ensures your debit transactions are authorized quickly and securely.

Accepting Debit Cards Can Help Your Business:

  • Reduce fraud and associated costs. With PIN-secured debit, a Personal Identification Number (PIN) is entered to authenticate a cardholder's identity, reducing the risk of accepting a transaction that is potentially fraudulent... resulting in a more secure sale for you and your customers.

  • Offer cash back for your customers' convenience…thereby encouraging repeat visits.

  • Many consumers prefer debit as a payment type. Debit is a safe alternative to cash and doesn't limit consumers to the cash they have in their wallets.

New product solutions

Data Breach Protection

Add to your existing fraud defenses with our comprehensive program.