Fraud Prevention

Fraud prevention is a top priority for Solaris Financial. With every transaction that's processed with us, clients are notified of suspect transactions and are coached on preventative measures to avoid losses resulting from fraudulent transactions.

Alertness is Key to Preventing Fraud

Our clients can proactively prevent losses and issues, like chargebacks, resulting from fraudulent transactions. You can fight fraud by being aware of customers who:

  • Hurry a clerk at closing time
  • Sign the sales draft in a deliberate or unusual manner
  • Charge expensive items on a new credit card
  • Purchase large or expensive items and insist on taking them immediately instead of having them delivered
  • Buy multiples of individual items
  • Purchase without regard to size, color, style or price

Doing More to Protect Your Business and Customers

Information is integral to improving security and fighting fraud. We arm you with the information you need to protect your business and your customers by issuing regular updates, events and the latest in data security.

Alerting You to the Latest in Data Security

As part of our ongoing effort to protect our merchants and their customers, Solaris Financial posts data security news and information updates regularly. Check often for information alerts and regulations that could affect your business and your customers.

New product solutions

Data Breach Protection

Add to your existing fraud defenses with our comprehensive program.

Why do I need SSL?

Does your company have a Website, Mail Server or Intranet?